When should I choose a gross weigh vs net weigh scale?
Gross weigh when production is around 7 to 9 BPM. Above that production level, we would advise you use a Net weigh product.
What materials are used for construction?
Mild steel is standard, but stainless steel contact and all stainless steel options are available.
Is there a proper method to regulating the flow of fluidic products in a bag?
Typically, a very fluidic product will require a screw feeder or auger to properly regulate the weights.
How large of a bagging hopper should I have above my bagger?
We recommend at least 60 seconds worth of bagging to allow for proper surge. For example, if you are producing (6) 50 pound bags of product per minute, you will always need hopper capacity to include at least 300 pounds of your product for proper surge efficiency.
I would like to feed my surge hopper with bulk bags. Is that possible?
Absolutely. We manufacture and sell multiple bulk bag unloading stations to fit this need.
What is the benefit of a duplex scale versus a simplex scale?
Aside from the obvious increase in production, the duplex scale can run properly even if one scale is down for maintenance. If your simplex scale is down for maintenance, you are not filling bags.
My product is very dusty. Are there remedies to omitting the dust?
We provide dust tight spouts and dust collection systems that mitigate this issue.